Austin, Texas
Things Celtic is a store in Austin. It sells, ah, Celtic things.
What, you may ask, is a Celtic thing?
A partial list includes kilts, baby clothes, colognes and perfumes, bracelets and other jewelry, scarves and other clothing items (including kilts).
Things Celtic also includes ClanDonnell: A Storied History of Ireland. We did a book signing, Irish story telling session, and overall Things Celtic meet and greet on March 7th, 2014. We left some books so that our friends in Austin will always have a source of ClanDonnell.
While there, folks came in, listened to a few Irish tales, and ate a cookie or two. I was amazed at the number of customers who came into the store with pants, and left wearing kilts! Thanks to Lanora and her staff for hosting us and for offering such a nice array of Celtic products in Austin.
Come pay it a visit. And please don’t leave without buying at least one thing Celtic!

Photographs by Linda McDonnell