Elizabeth City, North Carolina
Two Days of Story Telling – Friday, March 4th, 4:00 to 7:00 pm and Saturday, March 5th, 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. Our venue was Page After Page Bookstore in Elizabeth City.
This was be our first jaunt into North Carolina and we were excited. We told stories of Ireland within shouting distance of the Atlantic Ocean. The last time we saw the Atlantic was from the west coast of Ireland. This might be a different perspective.
The schedule suggested seven hours of story-telling, which might have been beyond ClanDonnell’s endurance level. We interspersed stories between one-on-one friendly meetings with patrons and a few book signings.

Friday night was First Friday Art Walk in Elizabeth City, and ClanDonnell was the featured artist at Page After Page Bookstore. Saturday was pure storytelling, and ClanDonnell told a few doozies.
The two events were featured at Discover Elizabeth City, Hampton Roads Events, Authors Around The South, Spingo, and Southern Indie Booksellers.