Illinois 2016
ClanDonnell went to Erin Feis Peoria, Illinois, in August!
Erin Feis was August 26th, 27th and 28th, 2016, held at the Peoria Riverfront (on the Illinois River).
Feis, by the way, is a Gaelic arts and cultural festival. It’s somewhat surprising that most such events in the U.S.A. are called “festivals”, and that Peoria’s is one of the few called a “Feis”.

We gave two talks at the Hedge School, one Saturday and one Sunday, entitled “The Easter Rising and the Ordinary Irish”. We also told stories to the kids at the wee folks area.
We also had a chance to visit our friends in Socks and the Frying Pan.
There’s a nice article about the festival in the Irish American News.