McMaster Family Name
I met a delightful lady at a book signing. Her maiden name is McMaster and she asked me about the origins of the name.
After a wee bit of research, I have an answer. You can read it in the pdf link below.
The photograph at the top of the page is of McMaster’s hardware store in Belfast, Northern Ireland. A couple of letters are missing on the sign, but it is intended to read “The House for Quality Tools’.
The photograph below is of McMaster Street in Belfast, County Down.

Here’s the response from the former Miss McMaster:
‘Thanks, David, for the information about the origin of my maiden name. I shall share it with my two brothers. I met a distant cousin in the Sligo area when we were in Ireland in October. His mother was a McMaster. He, Arther, took us to a couple cemeteries where many McMaster decendants were buried.
I am really enjoying reading your book. I like the story form. My husband has a book mark in it too as he is also reading parts of it.
It was a pleasure to meet you and Linda.”