Pandemic Pricing

We’ve offered discounts from time to time, but the pandemic has created special needs for us all. The prices of both ClanDonnell: A Storied History of Ireland and Buy The Horse A Guinness (& Other Wee Tales of Ireland) have been reduced for the duration of the pandemic. We’re stuck indoors and, presumably, so are you. These are troubled times but are ideal times for a good read!
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ClanDonnell: A Storied History of Ireland and Buy The Horse A Guinness are copyright by Burrowing Owl Press and are protected by the United States copyright law. Neither may be reproduced, distributed, or displayed without prior written permission. You may not alter or remove any trademark, copyright notice from copies of the content. The same is true, in all respects, for all materials contained on this site.

Photographs in ClanDonnell and on this site taken by Linda McDonnell or David McDonnell are likewise copyright Burrowing Owl Press. Illustrations in Buy The Horse A Guinness are by Rob Wilkinson and copyright Burrowing Owl Press. You may not use any such photograph or illustration without prior permission.
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Privacy Policy
Privacy is a difficult thing to protect in the current millennium. It was much easier in the times written about in ClanDonnell.

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Digital Copies
Digital copies are available to download (on pdf, Adobe or compatible). If you’d rather have a book on CD or USB memory stick, we can do that as well.
ClanDonnell is not perfect.
Although it is close.
I lost count of the number of times I proof read ClanDonnell. It was also proof read by a content editor, copy editor, and layout editor, and again by me after each round of editing. I was positive, after all of this, that the book was error free.

I was wrong. I did indeed find a few errors since publication. These will be corrected for the second printing and before ClanDonnell comes out on e-book. In the meantime, here are the corrections (and hopefully I will not have to add to the list very often).
Page 218: In the first box of the chart, ‘Alexander Mor’ should be ‘Angus Mor’.
Page 554: The year ‘1843’ in the caption of the second illustration is probably incorrect, since it is a Hunger-era illustration (1846-1850). I need to check my notes to find the correct year.
Page 902: ‘’ should be ‘’.
Page 903: ‘’ should be ‘’
Page 918: ‘’ should be ‘’.
Page 925: ‘Rarely does an evening goes by’ should be ‘Rarely does an evening go by’.
I cited many websites in the Sources and Acknowledgements section. Unfortunately, websites come and go. Websites which existed when I researched and wrote the book may not be around when the reader wishes to consult them. There is not much I can do about that. But if you discover a ‘dead’ website, let me know and I might (or might not) make the correction.
I did make a special acknowledgement (on page 922) to, since they were gracious enough to grant me permission to use a few images. This website no longer exists.