Galway Bay Irish Restaurant

Annapolis, Maryland

Our tour of Maryland took us to Galway Bay Irish Restaurant for an event which was, as guaranteed, quite a hoot.

The pub hosts a wonderful program from time to tome which it calls “Irish History Dinners”. Patrons receive a three-course, full service dinner for $25.00. Plus, they enjoy a discussion of a topic relating to Irish history.

Who led the discussion on Thursday, April 25th? ClanDonnell, of course.

We had a sell-out crowd at the Galway Bay Irish Pub in Annapolis. Every seat in the back room was occupied by folks eager for a fine Irish meal and some Irish tales. ClanDonnell pulled out everything from its playbook and somehow kept everyone enthralled for nearly two hours.

It was a brilliant afternoon, and we look forward to a return engagement. Galway Bay is indeed the best Irish pub in Maryland.

Thanks to Eye on Annapolis for its nice preview of the event. And to and

Below is the pub’s poster of the event. The pub titled the event title to “Once Upon A Guinness”.

That worked for us!

Photographs at right by Linda McDonnell