Kayla The Book Tour Dog

Makayla Noir

Her full name is Makayla Noir, but she goes by Kayla or just Girl

Whatever name you call her, she is the best Book Tour Dog ever!!!

She marched in the St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Little Rock, Arkansas, and Traverse City, Michigan, and in the Clan Parade in Enumclaw, Washington.

She’s been to these states and provinces: Michigan, Ohio, Ontario, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Arkansas, Nebraska, Tennessee, Iowa, South Dakota, North Dakota, Minnesota, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, Washington, Pennsylvania, Utah, Oregon, Kentucky, Colorado, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Delaware, Virginia, Wisconsin, Georgia, California, Nevada, West Virginia, and the District of Columbia!

There should have been more places to come!

Top, Kayla chillin’ out at a pit stop. Bottom, Kayla playing in the Pacific Ocean. Photographs by Linda McDonnell.


Kayla was slow moving the past few months, and it was obvious that she was ill (or at least growing older). We didn’t know until this week that she had a tumor on her liver and that her kidneys were failing. She was beyond help at that point. She was not in obvious pain so we let nature take its course. She spent the last week of her life mainly on her dog bed, with a few short walks in between.  She remained alert most of the time – until today. Kayla died around noon, peacefully in her favorite dog bed.

We will miss her. She was the best book tour dog ever.