The Mess With Texas Book Tour
ClanDonnell talked about his book and wove at few Irish tales at the San Antonio Public Library (Central Library) on Sunday, March 9, 2014, from 3:00 to 4:30 p.m. The library closed at 5:00 pm, so we couldn’t hang out too long.

You might notice a palm tree in front of the illustration of San Antonio’s main library. We planned this trip in January’s Northern Michigan and the temperature hovered around zero degrees Farenheit. Going to a place with palm trees seemed attractive.
We had a great turnout at the San Antonio library and we had an engaged and interactive session. The library must have liked the program. ClanDonnell made the San Antonio Public Library’s March, 2014 Director’s Report. And we’ve been invited back?
How could we say no? We had such a wonderful welcome.
Thank you to San Antonio Express-News and San Antonio’s Welcome Home Community Newspaper for publicizing the event!

The sign was in the main lobby of the library.
Photograph by Linda McDonnell