Gearing Up for Festival Season

There is a plethora of Irish and Celtic festivals. (‘Plethora’ is a word I rarely use, but it is one of those words that is fun to use once in a while). I don’t remember these festivals when I was younger, but there seems to be one in every other town in North America.

There are several of these every weekend in June through September, and a smattering of them in the Spring and Fall (not to mention the few weeks before St. Patrick’s Day).

They go by a variety of names – Irish Festival, Irish Feis, Scottish Festival. Scottish Gathering, Celtic Festival, Highland Games, Clan Gathering, to name a few. They share several things in common – celebration of Celtic heritage, Celtic music and dance, vendor booths, and, of course, Guinness.

There seems to be an interest in adding an Irish story teller into the entertainment mix. That’s where ClanDonnell comes in. All I need is a stage and a microphone and I can tell stories of an old Celtic clan and mix in yarns and legends. The audience reaction has been fantastic.

I don’t think it is because I am that good. I think it is because people are eager to learn about their heritage. Tidbits of information I learned in research the book, or I’ve known for a while, are eagerly digested by those who have yet to research and write a 900+ page book.

And so I continue to line up festivals and as many other gigs as I can get. I’ll keep doing this as long as I can. Someday, dementia may creep in and I won’t remember my stories.

In the meantime, I will keep on keepin’ on.