Mo Gile Mear

A Lament for Bonnie Prince Charles

Sean Clarach McDonnell (1691- 1754) was one of Ireland’s premier poets in the early 18th century. One of his poems was put to music and is still performed today. It is Mo Gile Mear (pronounced ‘Mow Geh-lay Mahr’), or ‘My Gallant Darling’. It is a lament for Bonnie Prince Charles and his failed attempt to gain the British throne. Charlie, frankly, was not worthy of such a lament.

These are three of my favorite versions:

Sting and the Chieftains,

An especially melodic version by Mary Black, and

Yet another performed for Highland Sessions featuring Mary Black, Karan Casey, Karen Matheson, Iarla O’Lionaird, Mary Ann Kennedy and Allan MacDonald – six of the best voices in Ireland and Scotland.

The portrait of Prince Charles Edward Stuart is of the type done by Jean-Etienne Liotard in 1737. Liotard painted portraits of both King James III and his son Charles, but the portrait of Charles was lost. Other contemporary artists recreated the Liotard original, and the above is one of the recreations.