Whatcom County Library System

A Washington Double Hitter

ClanDonnell presented “Get In Touch With Your Irish Roots” at two branches of the Whatcom County Library System – on the same day!!!

The date was Saturday, October 18, 2014. The day started with a presentation at the Lynden branch from 11:00 am to 12:30 pm or so. And the day ended with a similar presentation at the Everson branch from 3:00 to 4:30 pm. As far as we could tell, no one (including no groupies) attended both sessions. ClanDonnell has any strength left.

The Whatcom system has ten branches, so we were at 20% of them. These two branches are as close as one can get to Canada without actually being in Canada.

I’ve spent most of my life in Michigan, which is only a wee piece from Ontario. But the two lands are separated by water. I’ve only crossed into Canada by bridge or by boat. I was tempted to change that by traveling north after Everson, and placing one foot into Canada and keeping the other in the U.S.A. But alas, time would not permit me to do that (and I doubt if the customs folk would have either.

The Bellingham Herald, ZVents in Lynden, Whatcom World, Whatcom Talk, and the Seattle Times ran promos for the event.

We also made the Everson Nooksaak Chamber of Commerce website, on its October events page. Nooksaak is one of the neatest town names anywhere. Unfortunately, it’s slowly losing its status as a town – the post office is now closed and the town receives most of its city services from neighboring Everson. But it is located in the beautiful Nooksaak Valley and someday we will go to town itself.

In one of the strangest links I’ve seen yet, the Lynden event was promoted in the Colorado Springs Gazette. I met everyone at the Lynden library event, and none of them made the drive from Colorado to Washington.